Farming Practices

The what, where, how and why of our farming methods.


Our small urban farm centers around a no-till, regenerative market garden. We produce a diverse selection of
fresh vegetables that we also love to eat. We focus on an extremely high standard of growing everything as
naturally and as sustainable as possible. Always choosing the most organic options, such as seeds, fertilizers
and animal feed is certainly not the cheapest option, but we believe it results in the healthiest end product
whether that be our vegetables, meat, eggs or honey.

Our Methods at a Glance:



No Chemicals

No Pesticides

No Poisons 

No Synthetic Fertilizers

✔️We follow industry organic standards

✔️We use only use organic compost and natural fertilizers

✔️We use organic feed for all of our animals )

✔️We only grow what we love to eat and are willing to feed to our kids!

✔️We keep our own bees to ensure good pollination and delicious honey!

✔️We love all of our animals and ensure they live great lives in the best conditions!

✔️We utilize biological control measures (the "good" bugs) for natural pest control.

(Ladybugs, Praying Mantis, Braccid Wasps, Dragonflies, )

✔️We love the Lord our God, and are thankful for all His creation, divine provision, and sovereignty. We recognize our position and given stewardship responsibilities.

Are we "Certified Organic"?

We are NOT "Certified Organic" at this time. 

Here's why:
When researching this certification, we found while it still has decent protocols, it still allows for certain pesticide applications. On the meat side of things it asks for certain standards of vaccination and antibiotic use in otherwise healthy animals. While the State of CT does offer a cost share incentive for becoming "Certified Organic", it does come with several expenses and requires yearly recertification costs. While we follow the same basic protocols found in this certification, we find ourselves actually using an even higher standard. We've found the current standard lacking, overly cost prohibitive, and stinks of some of the same "Big Agriculture" problems we have outlined and don't want to contribute to making ourselves hypocrites.   

This is not the only certification available out there, and we are currently evaluating which organizations and certification programs best fit our operations' high standards of farming practices and beliefs. Once we select which program to pursue, we will be getting some certifications and will provide updates then.


Our family has started farming for many different reasons, this is not just a job for us, but a lifestyle we love. After 7 years of homesteading, gardening and taking care of goats and chickens, we decided to take the next step together as a family and shift our passion into a family business. We homeschool our children and this gives us even more time together as a family, and gives us a way to all work together to accomplish our goals and help feed our community. We strongly believe in knowing where our food comes from and having a deep appreciation for the blessing that it is.

What's the problem?

Although we are grateful for all the food we have received from the outside world thus far, we also recognize the current system is not ideal or sustainable. Big agriculture is stuck in a constant cycle of using GMO seeds, imported fertilizers, endless chemicals and poisonous pesticides over, and over, and over again on worn out land in far away places. Combine this with the inhumane treatment of overly vaccinated, and heavily medicated animals in tightly packed factory farming warehouses where they life a miserable life until slaughtered... All of this "food" is then processed with preservatives, in an attempt to increase shelf life, and shipped across the country using even more fuel and transportation resources. This is a losing battle. We do not see this as a sustainable method of providing food for our nation, nor do we believe it is an ethical, reasonable, or responsible way to steward what God has provided for us.


With war overseas and on the horizon, the world still reeling from economic recession, unreliable transportation infrastructure, endless supply chain issues, and countless other issues to list... food insecurity is on the rise. These are not far off issues, these are impacting our local communities right now. The number of at-risk families experiencing food insecurity and homelessness are sharply on the rise. Again this is not just an issue in some far off or obscure places, but in our own town.

What's our answer?

Well, we certainly don't believe complaining about it is going to do anything, so we are taking action to help change the equation. Instead of simply being a consumer, we have become a producer. Our plan to change our local situation for the better was to do something about these issues by starting our own farm.

This way we can grow as much food as possible, the right way, to feed our local community. We only grow food only in the healthiest way possible. We are eating what we grow, and our kids are eating it too! We want the very best for them, and to make that same quality of food available to our family, friends, and neighbors. There are many that can't afford to feed themselves in our community, they also don't have access to fresh, nutritious locally grown produce, we aim to change that.

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